Thursday, February 15, 2024


Too often we encounter relationships we refer to as oil and water -- they just don't mix. Yet the oil is a necessary thing, and so is the water. In fact, we can't live without either one. When difficult relationships go awry, the individuals often suffer low self-esteem as a result of the conflict. This need not be, must not be. The combination can produce something rather spectacular if we choose to see the situation with new eyes, another perspective -- with the simple willingness to accept what is.

Saturday, February 3, 2024


I must admit, I'm going through an emotional period in my life. Is it the times in which we live or is it me? The Law of Thought is 100%. I must take responsibility for my personal distress although outside factors close to home AND in the world clearly appear to be the reasons. Is it because I am reacting rather than responding? Join me in becoming grounded in love, no matter what is happening. Let's talk...L L Cartin -- Daphne's Web and The Worthless Wife--Living a Permanent Lie

Friday, February 2, 2024


Like all of Nature, people have seasons too. There's hardly anyone who would dislike their "season of harvest" when things run smoothly and abundance flows. But that season cannot manifest as such unless the more dormant times are dealt with properly. When life is at a standstill and relationships fail, money is tight -- what do we do? Patience, faith, integrity during the "winters of life" guarantee a more prosperous harvest at some later date. Let's talk...L L Cartin The Worthless Wife--Living a Permanent Lie