Using deductive reasoning -- in order for there to be Outer Space, there must also be Inner Space.
We may think we've found all the possible sources of space but...there's always more. Look at the table in front of you. Better yet, imagine the wonderful table where my students gather to learn the mysteries of life.
Space is being hidden within the atoms of our solid, physical world -- beautiful, untapped energy. It's inside you, too!
The best insurance against disaster is proper planning. Do you save any extra money or let it slip through your fingers? Do you heed the weather warnings, traffic conditions, etc. and allow for adjustments in your schedule? Yet, the best insurance of all is gained by being a giver even when you have needs -- and being grateful in spite of your simple lot in life. This kind of planning sets the LOA into favorable motion in your life and yields great opportunities.
There's always someone home when we are one with the Universe. As the tree provides a home for animals, the pond offers its banks for the tree. They need each other to sustain. Everything has a purpose. It offers a home for our enjoyment, too--if our heart is there.