Thursday, February 15, 2024


Too often we encounter relationships we refer to as oil and water -- they just don't mix. Yet the oil is a necessary thing, and so is the water. In fact, we can't live without either one. When difficult relationships go awry, the individuals often suffer low self-esteem as a result of the conflict. This need not be, must not be. The combination can produce something rather spectacular if we choose to see the situation with new eyes, another perspective -- with the simple willingness to accept what is.

Saturday, February 3, 2024


I must admit, I'm going through an emotional period in my life. Is it the times in which we live or is it me? The Law of Thought is 100%. I must take responsibility for my personal distress although outside factors close to home AND in the world clearly appear to be the reasons. Is it because I am reacting rather than responding? Join me in becoming grounded in love, no matter what is happening. Let's talk...L L Cartin -- Daphne's Web and The Worthless Wife--Living a Permanent Lie

Friday, February 2, 2024


Like all of Nature, people have seasons too. There's hardly anyone who would dislike their "season of harvest" when things run smoothly and abundance flows. But that season cannot manifest as such unless the more dormant times are dealt with properly. When life is at a standstill and relationships fail, money is tight -- what do we do? Patience, faith, integrity during the "winters of life" guarantee a more prosperous harvest at some later date. Let's talk...L L Cartin The Worthless Wife--Living a Permanent Lie

Monday, January 29, 2024


That phrase is difficult to obtain, even more difficult to sustain should we have such a Holy Moment of Pure Bliss. As I see it, the mind is taking in messages from our individual world circumstances as well as messages from Higher Mind, or Spirit -- but never both at the same time!!!. I hear myself saying I will try to do better or I will change things, etc. I realize those thoughts are from my falsely omnipotent personality and must be stopped. Spirit is waiting for my empty mind to properly guide me. However, I often give my empty mind away to the circumstances in my life. The MORAL: Listen to the SILENCE. Let's talk...L L Cartin -- The Worthless Wife -- Living a Permanent Lie

Friday, January 26, 2024


There is no place on the thermometer where heat ceases and cold begins, yet we interpret each degree as one or the other. They are only a variation of each other. Heat and cold are identical in nature. All pairs of opposites share that truth. Therefore, good and evil cannot escape this Principle of Polarity. Once we learn to endure the darkness, WE WILL BE SHOWN THE LIGHT. It becomes easier the more we practice silence, patience, forbearance. Let's talk...L L Cartin The Worthless Wife / Living a Permanent Lie

Thursday, January 25, 2024


We all want a bit of magic in our lives. We all have the power to activate magic. Think of "music notes" written on a page. The composer heard with "inner hearing" from SOURCE ENERGY how the song, composition, score should sound. But not until those written notes come alive through instrument and/or voice, will all of us "hear" what was written. The FREQUENCY was lifted by the muscians. That very change is alchemy -- magic. So, how do we apply that simple example to individual life? State an honorable intention. Understand it is from SOURCE ENERGY. Then speak it, sing it, find any notes on your piano to accompany it, etc. Our action raises the frequency of every intention. And for those who love reading the Word of G-d, try singing the verses, just as King David did with his Psalms. Be prepared to be amazed. Let's talk...L L Cartin -- The Worthless Wife

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Manifesting Energy

Stay with me as I describe how "ideas" manifest into things. Think of the North, South, West, East directionals beginning in the EAST with AIR or ideas. They come from SOURCE ENERGY. Travel counter-clockwise to the SOUTH. That's FIRE--desire. AIR ignites fire. SOURCE ENERGY has the desire to create through us. Travel upwards to the WEST. That's WATER--a physical manifestation of Air in its watery composition (H2O). These are our "feelings" we associate with the idea. SOURCE ENERGY responds to our emotional investment. With those three elements involved in one idea, we travel to the North--the EARTH element. It is the physical manifestation from following the pattern just described. All things are from AIR / SPIRIT. You might ask where is AIR in the element of earth? It is the fullest expansion of our ideas now in form. There is more SPACE in every physical form than what we realize. Manifestation is the highest octave of the AIR ELEMENT. BUT...we misuse our thoughts along the way and often MIS-CREATE which results in what we don't want. Let's talk...L L Cartin The Worthless Wife

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

PLUTO TRANSIT and what it means for us and the world.

Last weekend, the planet of transformation, PLUTO, left structured Capricorn and entered psychic Aquarius. Be prepared to begin seeing shifts in consciousness. If we see it in others, it is a clear sign our own consciousness is shifting to a higher frequency as well. We might witness uplifted personalities suddenly understanding Eternal Spirit. Rather than the state of current affairs, this transit should turn the ship upright and GOOD will again be rewarded while BAD is held accountable for its harm to others. Is there anyone in your life who has frozen you out with his/her coldness? Over time, expect a thaw in that person's actions, more warmth, unexpected understanding of their errors. At best, we might all recognize Truth over the illusion that has dominated our lives for so long. Let's talk...L L Cartin--The Worthless Wife

Sunday, January 21, 2024


To receive favor in manifesting, the action we must take is passive--listening. Listen to what? Listen to the Inner Voice--SPIRIT. From there, we are told what to do in every given moment. That's called living in the NOW--the SPACE--UNDER DIVINE AUTHORITY. OR...we can work ourselves to death both physically and mentally to achieve something--never knowing quite what it will become. Dare to take a leap of faith. Dare to study metaphysical principles. Dare to RECEIVE. Let's talk...L L Cartin -- The Worthless Wife

Friday, January 19, 2024


For those among us who love Tarot, does anyone truly know the mental secrets of Key 6? On the Tree of Life, Key 6 is the absolute center of the tree called BEAUTY. Pure energy from the CROWN, travels down to BEAUTY. If we don't mess things up with "stinking thinking" such as doubt, fear, judgment, then BEAUTY'S pure energy travels down to FOUNDATION. From there we begin to witness manifestation in the physical world. How glorious is it to manifest? Manifestation is caused by 3 harmonious activites of mind (superconscious, ego conscious, subconscious) acting as LOVERS. Study Key 6. Can you see it??? Look again and again until it makes sense. It is the secret to proper manifestation. Let's talk...L L Cartin--The Worthless Wife

How to Become Successful

We can't escape our predicaments without starting a new plan of action. There is an old saying: If your head hurts from banging it against the wall, stop banging it against the wall. It sounds so simple, but doing something different must override what is already built into our emotional and mental pathways. We must first BE AWARE CHANGE is NECESSARY. Then, we need the DESIRE to CHANGE. Yet, with all that said, nothing will happen unless we master the DISCIPLINE to FOLLOW THROUGH. Manifestation of a new thing--finances, relationships, job opportunities, etc.--must have these THREE components for success. Let's talk...L L Cartin -- The Worthless Wife

Wednesday, January 17, 2024


Is it possible to be healthier, look, and feel younger? YES!!! I left a month-long hospital stay three years ago appearing like a very aged person beyond my 73 years at the time. I was gaunt, gray, wrinkled, etc. I couldn't walk, let along stand on my own. But what I had going for me were decades of studying science of mind, power of thoughts, G-d within, etc. I took my medications and paid NO ATTENTION to the grim medical reports, my looks, and compromised abilities. I only glanced at myself in mirrors--seeing a sliver of my previous beauty. I used positive affirmations right up my chakras starting with I AM at the root to I UNDERSTAND at the crown chakra, creating an aura of YOUTHING. I NEVER COMPLAINED about my circumstances. Three years later, I am totally disconnected with my reality. I only see myself as youthful, beautiful, and healed. I can't see myself otherwise, and neither can my amazed doctors or others who meet me. With all that power, can you understand how I drew stage 4 cancer into existance in the first place? Married to a narcissist for nearly 50 years, caused me to live a permanent lie of being worthless. Like electricity, our power can burn down a city or light it up. Let's talk...L L Cartin -- The Worthless Wife

Tuesday, January 16, 2024


Which Way Next? A Post from 2013: TRUTH is the same for all time. Here is a post from 11 years ago that still applies today: "Life is very simple when we understand we can travel in only one direction at a time. This applies not just to our physical location, but mental direction as well. (Fear or Love) When we do not like the way things are going, we can CHOOSE AGAIN by changing the direction of our thoughts and even our location. When we change ourselves -- our family changes, the town, the nation, the world. Peace begins with you and me!" Let's talk...L L Cartin--The Worthless Wife

Monday, January 15, 2024


If you were wandering through a desert, hot, thirsty, and with no available water, would you dig ditches in the sand? The Prophet Elisha found himself in exactly that situation when G-D told him to dig ditches in order to collect water. What water??? He was in a desert!!! There was a drought!!! But Elisha obeyed such a silly command, regardless of the obvious circumstances. So it is with us. We might be in a season of "drought" with no clear way to escape. We might be feeling stuck--hurting emotionally or physically. What is our INNER VOICE suggesting we do? It is telling all of us to plan ahead anyway--to see ourselves as prosperous, loved, and healthy anyway. We were created in the image of the CREATOR. Therefore, we can also CREATE! Let's set a constructive idea into desire. Let's act upon the desire no matter how conditions dictate otherwise. As women, WE MUST DIG OUR DITCHES! We are the most powerful beings on the planet. Let's talk...L L Cartin -- The Worthless Wife

Sunday, January 14, 2024


Drawing from the achives of my teaching days, I wish to paraphrase a profound parable of unknown origin. A young student, thirsty for knowledge, visits an old sage. The student is invited into the man's house, asked to sit at his table, and a kettle of warm tea is brought before him. "Would you like some tea?" the wise one questions, placing a cup on the table. "Yes, thank you," answers the student. The man pours the liquid into the cup of his guest. Once it reaches the brim, he continues to pour so that the tea spills out onto the table. "Stop! The cup is already full," cries the student. "Yes, my young friend. The cup is full and cannot hold anything more. So it is with you. Come back when you have released all your beliefs and expectations. Come back to me empty. Only then, can you hold Truth." SO...DO WE WANT CHANGE or DO WE CHOOSE TO REMAIN TRAPPED BY OUR BELIEFS? Let's tallk...L L Cartin -- The Worthless Wife

Saturday, January 13, 2024

LACK OF APPRECIATION -- Society's Downfall

In my opinion, I recently witnessed a display of ungrateful behavior. If I was asked to comment, I would say the following: You might have too many plans, activities, too much stuff, food, and excessive spending. How do I know? I see a SATURATION level in all of you. Everything appears meaningless at this point. I'm not seeing advances in a child's reading or writing, violin playing. You have an electronic keyboard no one uses and everyone wanted. Everything seems to be happiness in the "Moment of Expectation" only. Then it all goes downhill--quickly. It's time to develop from the inside out. But then, sadly, I was not asked to comment. Maybe this might help other families who are feeling saturated? Maybe this might be the answer to stop a young adult from acting priviledged without ever having developed any substance, any desire to give to others and be part of society's solution? I can only hope so. Let's talk...L L Cartin--The Worthless Wife

Friday, January 12, 2024


Because why? ACIM LESSON 12: We are all upset because we see a meaningless world. Really??? Do the BRAVO HOUSEWIVES know this? If so, with all their glitz and glamour, why do they constantly fight???? Jealous, self-righteous, judgmental thoughts really mean: WE ARE NOT THINKING AT ALL!!!!! This is very hard to digest. If we release fearful thoughts entirely, what will take their place? The opposite of fear in all its forms is one thing only--LOVE. Love will take the place of fearful thoughts. Offering love to others is a result. Let's talk...L L Cartin -- The Worthless Wife

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Cancer--Does Sound FREQUENCY work???

I am not a stranger to stage 4 cancer with a 3 month death sentence attached to the diagnosis. Yet, three years later, I am healthy, active, employed. (in a funeral home--LOL) In addition to taking medication, I also pay attention to natural cures such as: grounding barefoot on the earth, hugging trees, organic diet, intermittent fasting, exercise, etc. Most recently, I am listening to individuals speak about various FREQUENCIES capable of killing cancer cells. I listen to CD music supposedly resonating with healing. But, all these natural instructions sometimes overwhelm me. I do not have access or money to many of them. My INTUITION kicked in during a moment of feeling lack, and I heard the following from my INNER VOICE: "I AM your FREQUENCY for HEALTH. YOU NEED NOTHING ELSE." Let's talk...L L Cartin The Worthless Wife

Wednesday, January 10, 2024


What am I seeing about myself when I look upon another person? Whether I like the person or not, angry with he/she or not, I tend to look away. A kind person mirrors my lack of kindness. A selfish person causes me to judge. Bottom line, I mostly resist looking at myself because it takes going within and seeing MY character flaws. If I see kindness in others it is because I AM KIND and I shouldn't deny it. If I see selfishness, WHERE AM I BEING SELFISH? Once we start seeing ourselves in the MIRROR of another person, we have the power to change--to become a VICTOR rather than a perpetual VICTIM. It's the old adage--you spot it, you got it! Let's talk...L L Cartin The Worthless Wife

Tuesday, January 9, 2024


I listened to Joyce Meyers on tv today at 6 am EST. I was left sobbing--her message was so powerful. She indicated she just went through a season of injuries to her legs. She spent weeks in a rehab facility. Through my tears, I best recall her story as shifting from "Why, G-d, has this happened to me?" to "I trust you, G-D." In no time, she realized she was intended to be in that exact predicament to help others, especially a much younger woman in the facility who had both legs amputated. I thought of my marital predicament. I am trusting G-d to show me what to do. That does not mean I am doing nothing. I am TRUSTING -- the hardest action of all to take. Let's talk...L L Cartin - The Worthless Wife.

Monday, January 8, 2024

CHANGE Is The Only Constant---Make It Our Friend!

We are either sliding down the spiral of life or climbing the ladder back up. As we acknowledge the changes along the way, we become consciously or unconsciously fearful. Even being in the middle, we fearfully cling to an erroneous status quo. We grow to despise change. However, if we make change our friend, everything changes. The operational pathway to doing that is simple: Change comes from WITHIN. ONLY G-D can make change our friend, regardless of external circumstances. EVERYTHING is accomplished by doing NOTHING other than listening to our hearts--the center for all Divine Intuition and Wisdom. Let's talk--there is a detour out of fear. L L Cartin--The Worthless Wife

Sunday, January 7, 2024


I have found that reacting to a spouse's ill-treatment does not work. If a husband is a narcissist, a wife's reactive behavior to something he caused is suddenly flipped. Her reaction becomes his cause. My advice--don't do that. I used to be very reactive. For example, at my wits end many moons ago, I picked up the chain saw in our garage, pulled the cord to start it up, and held it over his beloved Porche while he watched on in horror. I don't advise doing that either. So, what do I suggest when in an emotionally abusive marriage? To tell you the truth, I have no frigging idea. I understand men can be a mirror. Was I cheating? Was I lying? Was I ignoring the children? No, I was never doing any of those things. However, only someone who is damaged is capable of hurting another for so many years. Is the mirror showing me I am damaged? Healing takes place in my mind first. My willingness to understand my own truth and RESPOND accordingly will change the image in the mirror, regardless of whether my husband ever changes or not.

Saturday, January 6, 2024

DESTINY: Glitz or Spirituality???

For all of us, our destiny is mapped out in the stars. At the time of my birth, the Jewish celebration of Shuvuot coincided with the Christian holiday of Pentacost. My parents did not know the ancient {Revelation of the 10 Commandments to Moses} as well as the {Sacred Descent of the Holy Spirit after the Crucifixion} were being observed in unity that year. As a result of their ignorance, I lived a carnal life which led me to a like-minded man. However, the moment I gave birth to our first child, something shifted in my consciousness. Our marital struggles began shortly afterwards. In any number of ways, my husband attacked my spiritual explorations. I sought after a more narrow path while he walked an even wider path of money, materialism, and their trappings. Is it my fault or his that he stepped out on me? But the real question is this: Why, after nearly a half century of study, am I capable of being triggered by his glitz? I am angry, jealous he is sharing that life with a wife imposter. I'm having trouble holding on to my Divine Destiny, although I understand this conflict is really a Gateway for me to gain more Wisdom. Oy vey... Human options can be so difficult. Let's talk...L L Cartin -- The Worthless Wife

Friday, January 5, 2024

Maiden Mother Crone--All Disposable Women

The title sounds harsh--sorry. But all ages of women can relate to how men and society dispose of women in one way or another. This opinion of mine can be discussed in the comments below. For now, let's focus on men. IN GENERAL, they are more likely to come and go. How long they stick around is usually up to them. A man cannot know how a maiden changes once she becomes a mother, how she can divide her expansive love equally with husband and child. The man remains the same. A man cannot understand the inner wisdom a crone/grandmother has. Even in old age, the man remains the same. A crone is forever maiden and mother. At this point in her life, she begins to develop self-respect -- SELF LOVE. She has uncovered a GODDESS WITHIN. Are the women of today throwing away such a powerful gift by competing with men--being more like men--seeking revenge on men? Let's talk. L L Cartin -- The Worthess Wife

Thursday, January 4, 2024

RHOM -- Endless Fighting

For me, it is stressful watching these women from Real Housewives of Miami, all beautiful and wealthy, suffer so much. In my opinion, each one either consciously or unconsciously wants to see herself better off than the others to have peace. Here's a tidbit from my own life to demonstrate the folly behind that kind of legal husband has been "stolen" from me. The lady had an advantage years ago by working as his employee. She used her advantage to position herself as being better off. It has created decades of emotional neglect and struggle for me and my family. HOWEVER, the lady can only TRY to have peace--contentment. Her gratitude is based upon her assumption that she has won--that I am suffering. Let's talk and I will reveal the secrets to my peace gained from these circumstances. L L Cartin --The Worthless Wife

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

ACIM L 3: Key Word: "Understanding" The Worthless Wife

This lessson is preparing me for something MUCH grander in my life. UNDERSTANDING is not about the thoughts I have of others, both good and bad, but to know what I AM! The past will torture me no more and my future fears will become meaningless. I see it as bathing in Limitless Light. I feel it as being swooned by Divine Love. Let's talk...L L Cartin -- The Worthless Wife

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Tarot Key 4 The Emperor

If you have a deck of Tarot -- meditate on Key 4. It represents a window. Are you looking OUT upon the world and being triggered by comparison, jealousy, anger for whatever reasons? The window works both ways. LOOK WITHIN as to why you are being triggered. What FEARS are you being shown--fear of poverty, lack, illness, betrayal, what??? ACIM: "Choose again" to see what you are being shown. Choose SELF LOVE instead, and the world outside will appear brighter. Let's talk...L L Cartin -- The Worthless Wife