Friday, March 31, 2017

Clay Beneath Our Feet

There is a saying: Use the "clay beneath our feet” to mold what we want or need out of life. 

Everything necessary is already before us to make things happen. Viewing circumstances with enthusiasm and new perspectives brings about success.  

I saw a chess game ready to go at the beach the other day!

Friday, March 24, 2017

Shadow Self

Our Shadow Self holds all the power -- once we are willing to face it head on. 

All judgments and outbursts of anger hint to the Shadow Self we refuse to address. And what we resist, persists as BLOCKS to our healing and overall well-being. 

Friday, March 17, 2017

Dandelions - Coming Soon!

Dandelions  can be seen as weeds or wishes.

One's perspective regarding ALL things is what makes the difference between happy or sad outcomes. 

Friday, March 10, 2017

Hello Spring!

The spring equinox is coming soon. The earth is already awakening.

Our own “spring cleaning” can begin with dusting the cobwebs of stale, worn out thinking that winter’s darkness might have perpetuated.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Mushroom Lore

Mushrooms are part of magical lore— fairies dancing in a circle create a mushroom  "fairy" ring.  Some believe supernatural beings leave their energy in composting leaves and soil, allowing mushrooms to sprout.

One has to be amazed when mushrooms appear overnight and shrivel by day's end.  They remind us how awesome and fleeting life can be.