Wednesday, April 15, 2020


There is one question being asked by nearly everyone on the planet: What's it all about?
There is only one answer: It's all about you!

Each of us is being called to go within and find TRUTH. 
Is there a need to waste money and supplies anymore? No, we are and have everything already. 
Is there a need to compete and get ahead of others? No, we are magnificently made by our Creator. 
Is there a need to hurt and exploit any other living thing? NO, NEVER, AWAKEN!

You might ask about your suffering at this time. 
I ask whether you ever suffered before this time?
I suggest to you that all our worldly suffering is a trigger for us to recognize miracles and connect to that which is INVISIBLE.
The Invisible is YOU! 

We are our own heros and heroines, all powerful, capable of redesigning ourselves and our circumstances.  
Blessed Be