There are two worlds: the world we can measure with line and rule, and the world that we feel with our hearts and imagination. ~ Leigh Hunt Unless knowledge becomes experience, we are only living on the surface of things. Walk the talk...
A flower blooms for its own joy. ~ Oscar Wilde There is a distinct difference between joy and happiness. The new car, bigger home, diamond ring all bring us the moment.
Joy is internal and eternal...always available once we release the need for everything else. Links
Everything about yesterday has gone with yesterday. Today it is needed to say new things. ~Rumi When we continue to think the same thoughts over and over-- whether good for us or bad for us-- we repeat the same circumstances--whether good for us or bad for us. Are you ready for something new or was yesterday fantastic???
Circles, spirals and other ancient symbols can be found everywhere -- once you look for them. In order for sacred Oneness, everything MUST return unto itself.
Since this includes your thoughts, words and deeds, be very careful how you use them.