This random card combination tells the true story of the Law of Attraction. The reading would be completely Blessed if only that one card of defeat did not appear among the others.
The Law operates by way of THOUGHT. Thoughts set our intentions in motion in the cosmic field.
Water is symbolic of emotions. We must sprinkle our thoughts with feelings -- passion, desire.
Although we are amazed when we MANIFEST, the actual working of the Divine remains a sacred secret.
What ruins the process? Thoughts of defeat.
We look at evidence in our life and in the world that counters our intentions. Our best thoughts shift to those of defeat.
The answer is simple: Cover all thoughts of defeat with righteous words and deeds. Make goodness a priority. Avoid hating. Stop judging.
It is Mystical, even Magical, but the true energy to this Reading is to act in all ways as a Being of Light in order for our intentions to manifest.
Blessed Be for a powerful week ahead⚡️
Daphne's Web Turret Cards: Wisdom from Across the Ages
Chopra Kabala Cards
Daphne's Web: A Ghostly Parable for Adults on the Law of Attraction
Daphne's Web: A Ghostly Parable for Adults on the Law of Attraction 5⭐️
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