Tuesday, April 16, 2013

What the World Needs Now...

Love, light, peace and healing

What the world needs now


  1. omg the world is in turmoil :>(

    1. Hi,

      To change the world begins with changing ourselves. If we can learn to love, the ripple effect will eventually touch everything.

      Unfortunately, the ripple effect appears to be working in the opposite direction -- fear and hatred.

      Take time today to send love into the Universe, rather than investing your thoughts on the turmoil in the news. Begin with loving yourself, your friends and family.

      Then think about loving your enemies, the people who caused the Boston attacks, and so on. Yes...we must love those we think are our enemies in order to change the world.

      Their deeds are horrific, indeed, but they share something with us...Spirit. We are all One, regardless of how difficult that is to understand.

      Please join me in practicing love and kindness.


    2. I see an orb above the flame. Is it my imagination?

    3. Hi,

      WOW...thank you for pointing that out.

      You would make quite a wonderful student in my school.


  2. Oh wow. I see the orb with a young child's face looking like its blowing on the candle.

    1. Hi,

      You posted this one year ago and I'm just discovering it. I apologize.

      Thank you for the observation.

