Monday, June 10, 2013

Back at you!

Be the light or reflect it. The world needs both.

Energy moves in a circular fashion beyond our control.  It's so important to become aware of whether our thoughts are harmful or helpful.

Judgment is never justified, in spite of negative conditions around us -- it comes right back at us!



  1. Don't we have to use judgment about everything to make decisions?

    1. Hi,

      You ask an excellent question.

      We must use discernment to make all decisions. There is a difference between the two.

      Judgment is actually not our function. We use it to strengthen the separation between ourselves and others, to induce guilt, and also fear. Judgments are really attack thoughts.

      Discernment comes from the Spirit within us that guides our decisions to be the highest and the best for all. Those decisions will honor the goal of joining minds, even with less desirable people.

      By using discernment for all decisions, one eventually becomes an instrument of peace, regardless of the situations.

