Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Leap of Faith

Take a leap of faith when you have a dream...

We must rouse our subconscious to make contact with super conscious power in order to tweak FAITH.

That contact can only be made by eliminating FEAR and DOUBT from the conscious mind!


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  1. Sometimes what you are leaping into looks very scary! How do you know what to do????????

    1. Hi,

      You ask such a wonderful question. New things do look scary, so we have to be sure it is not the ego demanding it. If it is the ego, it stands the chance of failing.

      When you train the Inner Voice to hear the message, you can take that leap of faith and know it is supported by Universal Love.

      But gaining the ability to have Inner Hearing does take time and study.

      Why not make THAT your first leap and then let everything else play out nicely?


  2. Pls explain rouse our subconscious

    1. Hi,

      Well...I'll try to put lifetimes of arcane knowledge into a nutshell of explanation.

      The mind is divided three ways: The ego consciousness, the sub consciousness, the super consciousness.

      Whatever the ego dictates to the subconscious, good or bad, the subconscious takes as truth.

      This is why we must guard our thoughts and deny any falsehoods that will impress upon sub conscious.

      The reason for being so diligent with out thoughts is this: Only sub conscious has the connection to SUPER consciousness.

      The POWER to all things is derived by that connection between the sub and super states of mind.

      To ROUSE the subconscious in order to do great things, we MUST stimulate it properly with the right thoughts coming from the ego.

      In simple words...what we sow, we reap, by order of the Perfect Universal Law of Mind.

      Review many of the older posts on this blog. Little by little, it will begin to make more sense.

