Friday, August 1, 2014

Everyday Mystical

                                  Life is filled with inspiring and mystical moments -- if we awaken to them.

The Universe is entirely made up of magic.  When you pay attention to your thoughts and use the correct tools, you will see magic in everything. 

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  1. Magic to me is sleight of hand. I wish I knew real magic if it really existed.

  2. Hi,

    The word magic often implies some kind of trick as you indicated, but used in this way... is something very different.

    The Universe operates in a very mystical manner that is obscure to the greater majority of humans.

    Once we begin to gather some knowledge, we notice an invisible cosmic tapestry involved in everything. We now have the "experience" and from this point, we understand the magic not as a slight of hand, but IN OUR HANDS.


  3. Is it against what is natural to know these things?

    1. Hi,

      These things are part of our Divine Mind, or if you prefer to think of it as a higher power or order. It takes many lifetimes to understand them. Once we do, we are beautiful, loving beings in the image of our Creator.

      Read between the lines of ancient scriptures. This is the meaning behind the parables.

