Saturday, January 24, 2015

Have No Doubts

Doubting the power of our dreams becomes the weakest link in the chain and can stop everything in its tracks. 

The ego part of our mind wants instant results, like what we can have at a supermarket or at the fingertips with our computer. 

But when calling upon the Universe to set things in motion for a better life, that takes time . 

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  1. What if some times you can't make something happen after you keep working at it? Not supposed to be? Is that doubt or realist?

    1. Hi,

      You ask such an important question. The answer to that is very obscure and is revealed according to the measure of one's relationship with the Invisible.

      As we study, we learn about another part of Mind--our Spirit Mind. We begin to discern whether the ego mind is telling us we have failed or the Spirit Mind is nudging us closer to the mark of our Divine Purpose.

      This is the beginning of Wisdom--to know the difference.

      And when we do know, we also trust in our actions as proper, even though what we want to happen may take a long time.


  2. Sometimes I think it is all pre-arranged anyway.

    1. Hi,

      Your insight is most interesting...

      According to ACIM, there is only Love, a curriculum that we all must take sooner or later.

      Our free will is merely how long we wish to delay the goal.

