Friday, February 13, 2015

Bliss in Nature

Just taking a few seconds to relax and enjoy an early morning snowfall can be restorative.

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  1. My bliss is the sound of a running brook or stream. :-)

    1. Hi,

      It's wonderful that you can be so aware of the sounds of Nature to know that. Thank you for sharing :)


  2. The fragrance of flowers in a garden like roses and hyacinth. Bliss!!!

    1. Hi,

      Outside my window, everything is frozen solid under snow. The wind is whipping through the old windows of my house. The furnace is cranking out heat, desperately needing some relief.

      I'm going to really use my imagination and smell the fragrance of flowers in a garden and find bliss.

      Thank you for taking my mind off the fear of these extremely low temperatures. XO

  3. omg big clouds in a beautiful blue sky. can watch for hours like when i was a kid.

    1. Hi,

      If you do not already write, then you must begin. Writing insists upon the ability to deeply feel everything around us and like yourself, is never afraid to reveal such experiences. XO

  4. I love to hear waves at the shore. Makes me feel the world is OK because you can count on them doing the same thing day after day forever.

    1. Hi,

      There is a great mystery to water. Not only is there vast abundance of water both in the physical world as well as in the physical body, but water has powers we rarely think about.

      Those waves you speak of will instantly adjust to new forces such as wind or even you jumping into them. At the same time, those same waves can smooth down jagged rocks from the constant interaction.

      When you hear waves, you are hearing an unmistakable POWER that also exists in each of us. When amenable to loving suggestions, we can heal ancient hate. XO
