Friday, June 5, 2015


I think we have a right to change course. But society is the one that keeps demanding we fit in and not disturb things.
- Anais Nin
Be a History Maker and stand up for Peace.

Facebook: Facebook/LL Cartin-writer


  1. How can average person stand up for peace and make a difference?

  2. We are not average. We are Divine Beings.. Dear Anonymous. Paying it forward. Even if its a smile..a kind gesture.. Sending love out in all you do is a start. It starts a tittle wave of love and peace even if its in one individual.. Its a start. Its a powerful energy. On a bigger note. Don't conform to their ways. Don't slander your neighbor. Rise up people don't bring them down. There is so much control in society as what we should be. Be YOU. spread notes around for others to find. A profound statement of peace. Leave them in random places. Bring chiverly back. Morals and class. Know you are sacred. And all of us should be that. These are good energies. See the faces that need it. Hold them up when they can't. Love peace and hope.

    1. Hi to both of you,

      The question is as important as that wonderful answer. I have nothing to add.

      Thanks to both of you. XOXO

    2. That is such an awesome way to be. Its not about making a big fuss but doing the right thing. wow

    3. Hi,

      Yes, always choose for love and kindness. Always know that when we fail to do that, we can choose again--instantly, if we like!

      The Power is within us. XO

  3. Its not always easy.. As their is vileness in the world. But the energy of Love out powers any of that. And by spreading out... It makes waves greater than other darkness. If we can show others this simple idea.. Then love reigns.. Peace and order is in balance. This is my way. Each one has their own. The grid of light is rising greatly.. Be it.. Hugs and love

    1. Hi Arielle,

      I love when you post your Wisdom on my blog or Facebook page. I feel we are co-creators.

      Some day...we will meet on earth...XO

  4. Too bad there is not an international day "ripples for peace" or make that "waves" and everyone aware of it does some little thing to pay it forward.

    1. Hi,

      I love your idea!!!!!!!

      I will mention it to the Master Shift. XO
