Friday, August 14, 2015

In the Vastness

For small creatures such as we, the vastness is bearable only through love  - Carl Sagan (Contact--the movie)

Do you need a mountain in your life moved out of the way?  CHOOSE LOVE


  1. Really don't understand love moving mountians. See "love this love that" and so much bad stuff still goes on. I read it here but don't see the connection.

    1. Hi,

      I understand your dilemma as the world is going crazy and it seems that love will never fix a thing.

      Try to understand that looking OUT at the world will never bring us to a fuller understanding of what the purpose of the world truly is.

      The secret is to only look WITHIN and find our Divine Connection--our Holiness.

      Once we get a glimpse of the Sacred Love inside us, we radiate that love outwards and see the world differently-- the landscape of hatred will change completely--the mountains of negativity will step aside.

      Studying every day, meditating and asking for Divine Guidance will lead you to the still waters that run very deep---deep inside YOU! XO

    2. Maybe understand it better now so thanks

    3. Hi,

      Your openness to learning and thinking differently is awesome!!! XO

  2. If you have not fully let love in.. I mean truly where it consumes your whole being.. It stays hidden and stagnet at times.. And lessons a rise to open your heart up.. Oh yes Love can move mountains.. It can create stars.. It is our Creation. We just run from it most times cause it can seriously scare you. So you run.. When love resides in your heart.. Nothing in this crazy world can truly hurt you no more. You can feel the emotions of anger.. But hurt u to the point of bondage. Nope.. No matter what happens in life.. It is Divine. It is our purpose.. We can do anything in the midst of love.
