Friday, May 20, 2016

Finding Treasure

Abundance presents Herself in strange ways.  

Abundance is all around us -- in Nature and every cell that makes up the human body -- seeking to flourish, always.

An impoverished life calls upon us to recognize Abundance  everywhere She exists.  When we can do that, in spite of our dismal circumstances, we begin to draw in Her gifts. 


  1. How come some people stay poor all thre life? They don't want to but maybe the don't get a chance like other people do.

    1. Hi,

      Your question is such a good one because we are constantly being taught that this is a MENTAL world and all that exists in our individual lives has come by way of our thinking.

      It IS a mental world, but the magnet of our thinking is below the thoughts we are aware of. The magnet is at the SUBCONSCIOUS level.

      We diminish our subconscious power with doubt, guilt, anger, competition...etc. We do this by misusing and even abusing the thoughts we CAN control.

      We might "say" we want abundance at the very same time we are choosing anger or guilt over something else. Our emotions are stronger for the latter. The MAGNET builds off its lowest consciousness or energy we give it.

      We must learn how to control our "stinking thinking" and reprogram the subconscious that it is a better magnet for abundance and healing.

      There is a HELPER available to make that happen for us. It is called Spirit. A Course in Miracles introduces us to this wonderful HEALER. XO
