Sunday, May 21, 2017

Power of Three

3 represents Power.

Various cultures and religions find meaning in the number 3. 

Esoteric Knowledge teaches the 3 is Divine Feminine Energy found in all physical manifestation. She UNDERSTANDS THE IDEA before form takes place. She is the first principle to take action before form is seen on earth.   


  1. Is 3 the most powerful number or which one is?

    1. Hi,

      Great question. I'll try my best to provide a reasonable answer.

      Each number carries Potential Power. Each is a Potent Force of Earthly Life when understood correctly.

      Numbers work in harmony with each other. Although I cannot answer your question with any authority, my best guess is that it would defile Spiritual Principle of Oneness to assign any number as more powerful than another.

      Remember this: All is Number. UNITY (Oneness) is All There Is. It is NO number.

      Numbers are a way for us to identify the separation from Oneness in its myriad of ways, from the hairs on our heads to the number of items in a store, etc. Everything can be counted by number. And before number, there was nothingness -- The ALL or Oneness.

      I think I confused myself. I hope this makes some sense for you XOXO

    2. lol makes a little sense. my lucky number is 9. does that have meaning? looked it up but tmi

    3. Hi,

      It's great to have a favorite. 9 is ready for a new beginning. If 9 reveals itself to you often, pay attention to a new door opening in your life.

      It sounds to me you might be a person who finishes what you begin. That's a wonderful quality. Watch for rewards. XO
