Saturday, October 14, 2017

It's Our Choice

Every decision we make brings us to a new point on our journey — for better or worse.

Good News: No matter where we end up, we can always “choose again.”


  1. How do you stop worrying?

    1. Hi,

      Worry is a human condition everyone suffers with. But we are Spirit Beings too. In other words, we have another part of our mind we rarely use -- the Spirit Mind.

      Understanding the difference is a process. It is a shift from a fearful state of mind to faith that all is exactly as it should be. This is near impossible to do at first.

      A Course in Miracles study group has been so helpful for me. I have been able to give my fear and worry over to Spirit. Circumstances have changed. I wish that for you. Try to find a spiritual support group. XO

  2. Looking for confirmation about a big decision I have to make. Do people always get signs but dont see or ignore them? Trying to figure it out but I kind of believe in it already. Can you suggest anything? JM

    1. Hi,

      Ask and it is Given. Yes, if you have asked for a sign, it is your FAITH that makes a sign appear.

      And yes too...many people do not recognize and also ignore signs because they are too subtle or inconsequential.

      We develop our faith with practice. Best not to ask for any specific sign at first. Ask for anything. When chills run down your arms over something tiny, you know it's a sign.

      Over time, you may ask for specifics, but only once your faith is rock solid. Otherwise, your ego is setting you up to disbelieve your Inner Spirit Power. That's the exact opposite of what you want.

      Ask today for the sign you need. Then go on your merry way. Without even remembering what you did, something will come into your life to remind you. There's your sign! XO
