Thursday, March 14, 2013

Letting Go of the Past


Individual moments in our past are no different than waves on the ocean.  Each one is merely a play of physical energy that dissipates with time -- here one minute, gone the next -- like shedding bark on a tree. 

Your past will never alter Eternal Love. 

Make peace with your guilt.

YouTube book video:


  1. I wish it was that easy

    1. Hi,

      A wise sage once told me to develop back bone over wish bone...I would get more done that way.

      To do that required that I go about my life as if my desires already happened, and I was free of the guilt I carried.

      It has had a wonderful effect for me...try it...

  2. I don't have guilt as much as sad things that happened. I can't forget them :-(

    1. Hi,

      When you begin to see the flower rise from your sadness, then you are seeing Divine Order in your life.

      It is difficult to get over loss and grief, but until we allow ourselves to see each event differently, we will attract more sad things into our life from this thinking.

      Do you wish to share something and perhaps I can redirect your thoughts???


    2. Thanks. It was a long time age.

    3. Hi,

      You have said something profound..."It was a long time ago."

      We are all carrying baggage from previous lifetimes, if you believe in such a thing.

      When less than nice things happen in my otherwise good life, I wonder how that occurred -- I've been kind, helpful, generous, thoughtful, etc.

      I ask why something so contrary could happen to me.

      I accept there is a lot more guilt than what I am aware of, and let it go -- oddly pleased it came to the surface to be released.

      Therefore, each moment of my day, both the happy and sad ones, are for my well-being, and I walk with that freedom of mind.

