Wednesday, June 11, 2014


What you resist, persists.  - CG Jung

There is one logical reason behind this statement:

Resistance requires thoughts--and thoughts create our reality.

STOP thinking about what you don't like or want!

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  1. Is there a way to make the LOA go faster? I guess I should ask is how long it takes?

    1. Hi,

      The proper connection to the LOA is a curious thing. It can happen in the same instant that we wholeheartedly believe in its power and set an intention.

      However, the physical world is made up of atoms that have a lower vibration than thoughts. There is a lag time involved.

      This is where we delay the process-- we become impatient and doubtful. These are new thoughts which are defeating the original ones.

      The proper use of the LOA is to develop trust in something beyond our scope of understanding. This is the spiritual aspect of the LOA.

      The spiritual aspect is aware of proper timing. Rest in knowing that, and all things are given you in the moment-- it's all a mental exchange.

      Keep studying -- I'm currently working on an E-Book on the LOA. I will announce it when the time comes.

