Friday, March 13, 2015

What's Done is Done

There's no use in carrying around old hurts and grudges. Move on to bigger and better things!

There's always an opportunity that arises from suffering.

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  1. Too much suffereing in the world to imagine good coming from it :-( Sorry but I can't imagine that.

    1. Hi,

      But you MUST try and imagine that---because if we don't try, it will never change and change is so necessary to heal the mess in the world.

      A compassionate, empathic person as yourself will get lost in the pain and suffering. Yet those same qualities demonstrate that you are an advanced soul, one who can help by imagining the people as One Loving Brotherhood filled with the joy and appreciation of animal, mineral and plant life.

      Please try to imagine--you will make a difference. XO

    2. have hard time letting go of stuff. suggestions?

    3. Hi,

      I have lots of suggestions, but the first and most powerful is to discover the healing from having a grateful heart.

      We all have suffering and we also have blessings. By placing our focus on the blessings, more of the same will come our way. It is the LAW.

      In time, we will actually begin to understand that the things which caused our suffering had hidden purpose beneath.

      I know all this sounds like paying a mortgage with pennies, but it is a valuable secret that if you are willing to give a chance, will make a difference... XO
