Friday, June 26, 2015

The Eternal

Sometimes we get a sense of the eternal and that makes our petty ruminations seem pointless.

Sensing the eternal is not only different for everyone, it also never appears to us in exactly the same way each time. 

So move with confidence when you feel those running chills that your experience is as valid as what you read about in books-- because it is!

Facebook: Facebook/LL Cartin-writer

Friday, June 19, 2015

The Seeker

We travel, some of us forever, to see other states, other
lives, other souls.  -Anais Nin

Then we realize there is no need to travel anywhere--as all is inside us. 

Facebook: Facebook/LL Cartin-writer

Friday, June 12, 2015

Old Assumptions

Begin challenging your own assumptions...your windows on the world.  Scrub them off every once in a while, or the light won't come in.  -Alan Alda

Embrace today with new eyes to see the same thing differently.

Facebook: Facebook/LL Cartin-writer

Friday, June 5, 2015


I think we have a right to change course. But society is the one that keeps demanding we fit in and not disturb things.
- Anais Nin
Be a History Maker and stand up for Peace.

Facebook: Facebook/LL Cartin-writer