Friday, June 12, 2015

Old Assumptions

Begin challenging your own assumptions...your windows on the world.  Scrub them off every once in a while, or the light won't come in.  -Alan Alda

Embrace today with new eyes to see the same thing differently.

Facebook: Facebook/LL Cartin-writer


  1. Love this.. Such truth.. Not much to say.. With this one.

  2. yeah but so much of the bla bla bla is embedded in us you don't know whats ours or everyone else's. not sure how to tell anymore

  3. Inner knowing that doesn't go away.. Is some truths. Ones u try to run from.. But are still there.. People assume way to much these days. Even myself. But my heart speaks the truth while my eyes fail me at times.

    1. Beautiful answer.

      I love: "Inner Knowing that doesn't go away."

      And we actually DO try and run from it...causing all the bla bla bla along the way.

      And yes: The heart will speak the Truth exactly when we are ready to hear the Truth. XO to both of you...
