Friday, July 10, 2015

Tomorrow's Harvest

A single thought can become tomorrow's harvest.

The mind operates by visualizing.  SEE first what you want, then do not let your thoughts stray from that image.

Facebook: Facebook/LL Cartin-writer


  1. How can you tell if you really need what you think you do if it not basic to life like a good job, decent place to live etc? Some times I feel like I'm chasing after what I have been programmed to want. Too much media here lol

  2. Hi,

    As humans, our spiritual inheritance is to have the Kingdom. In other words, there is no limit to the abundance we can enjoy.

    All we must do is review our intention behind our desires. Do we want/need something exclusively for ourselves we want/need something that can be shared with others???

    They are mutually exclusive intentions. The more selfish one leads to inherent guilt. The generous one leads to joy and additional abundance on the way.

    I hope I answered your question. XO

  3. Yes but then if you know who your twinflame.. And it is the desire of your heart. The call is deep. But you know you must stand at a far because of circumstances. It is the way of the Ultimate Unconditional Love. Their happiness reigns in you. You would sacrifice your own so they have it all. This love does not go away it is with you forevermore. In past lives and future lives. It is our truth. The merge has happened at a heart soul level. I know the needs of my beloved. At this moment. I bow in respect to him. Stay hidden you may say. Like Mary Magdalene did for her twinflame Jesus. But just the same the desire the want is insane. Soul calls to their true love. Oh so ultimately sacred. I am blessed. Xo

    1. Hi Arielle,

      Very beautiful...

      Always remember there is no sacrifice. The Highest Degree of Love is mutual for all. XO
