Friday, January 1, 2016

New Year's Opportunities

Running water is symbolic of life renewing itself.  The New Year, part of a natural cycle, can be a time of transcending our circumstances and beginning anew.

We can help last year's troubles be washed away by symbolically embracing the energy of running water as we clear them from our heart and mind.  Happy New Year to all of you!


  1. New to using imagery. Would like to understand.

    1. Hi,

      I love that you are interested.

      Everything we see in this world has a hidden meaning behind it--infinite meanings that all lead back to Origin or Source.

      Begin by doing a Google Search on Esoteric studies. Click around and see what interests you. Check back if you have other questions.

      Please ask your questions on my most recent post as I often fail to find questions on older ones.

      Good luck...XO
