Thursday, March 31, 2016


We are all just passing through...

At the end of the day, we might ask ourselves if we have been compassionate and helpful to others. 


  1. I feel a little guilty that sometimes I'm jsut too stressed out to be helpful every day. I wish I could do more for others but my life is hectic.

    1. Hi,

      I know exactly what you mean, might be judging yourself too harshly.

      Without realizing, you may be more helpful than you think. A single kind word, a smile, a simple gesture to another throughout your hectic day can seem minimal to you -- but be very transforming to another. We never really know.

      Awaken each day with the idea that you are helpful, and every activity that involves you will present small opportunities to BE a blessing -- even if you can't see it. XO

  2. yeah i remember reading about random acts of kindness.

    1. Hi,

      There is an invisible energy connected to everything we do and say. It returns to us eventually.

      Living with a loving purpose is the secret to having a wonderful life, regardless of difficult circumstances. XO
