Saturday, July 16, 2016


If a beautiful flower can bloom in the harshest of circumstances, why can't we? 

Many of the greatest achievements in the world have come out of one's suffering.  But that's only possible when we look for the goodness in tough times. 


  1. Such truth right now for me.. just looking at myself and asking why did I put up with so much..? Then I say cause I wouldn't of awakened if I didn't go through it. I am grateful. Tis now though I let go what's not good for me. And be the awakened person I AM. Fear holds me still but over coming. Hugs

    1. Hi,

      Each stage of our unfoldment serves in specific ways. It takes great courage to see the lesson, make the corrections, and then let the conditions go forever. XO

  2. When I see the life of some people around the world I wonder how they even survive. Grateful for what I have even if not perfect.

    1. Hi,

      I often wonder too. It shows us how resilient we can be.

      Perhaps they are highly spiritual and do not need bread alone, but the Holy Word to keep them going.

      Maybe they see us as impoverished???
