Saturday, June 24, 2017

Bee Spirit

The bee is a perfect model of productive energy and community, always finding the nectar to sustain itself and work for the greater good.

Bee energy transforms us into History Makers.  New beginnings are on the horizon. Take full advantage of astrological shifts at this time in history. 


  1. What kind of astrologic shifts pls?

    1. Hi,

      I apologize for the delay in responding to you.

      On August 21, 2017 there is both a new moon and a full solar eclipse which travels across the United States. This has not happened since the early 1900s.

      On 9/23/17, a grouping of stars, constellations, planets fulfills a 2000 year old prophecy in Revelation 12.

      You can Google either of these for more information. You may be led to further understanding and deeper faith in the Presence of the Unknown, if you are seeking Spirit.

      In other words, these are very powerful times we live in. It is wise to be a Peace Maker. XO
