Friday, April 20, 2018

Spirit Portals

Invisible Spirit Portals connect to other dimensions.

New and positive energy from the unknown can be healing and enlightening.


  1. Is there a way to find a portal? I am not sure what to look for. ty

    1. Hi,

      I believe portals are created in places where prayer and gratitude are frequently expressed.

      For example, I have one place in my house where I have spiritual classes, and another place for personal prayer and spiritual study.

      You will discover that when you enter such a designated place, you feel at peace as well as experience physical sensations as well.

      Portals strengthen over time. It is important not to introduce any form of conflict such as fighting, dissonant music, etc. In no time, it becomes your sacred space. XO

  2. can u b in portal and not know? i have one on property i think.

    1. Hi,

      People walk through my house all the time and have no idea they have entered a portal. They are not sensitive to or seeking other dimensions.

      If you feel one is on your property, try an experiment. Place an empty bowl to collect rain water. Use this water for one of your house plants. Notice if it grows better than the others.

      I have 2 dogs who are 15 years old and have no health issues at all. They are surrounded by loving energy from the portal created in my house.

      As you study, pray, give thanks, a portal of love will open for you. You will know it to be true. XO
