Saturday, January 5, 2019

Holly Tree Symbolism

Celtic lore sees holly greenery and berries as symbols of life’s  enduring presence, even during cold, seemingly dormant months. And so it must be with us, or...

"Isolation can play tricks with the mind when harsh winds howl through cracks and crevices of an old building and long shadows fill dark spaces." Daphne's Web  


  1. I really struggle with dark and cold of winter. I like your description of the long shadows fill dark spaces. Alot of dark space when the sun is low. Your book sounds interesting. Will look into.

    1. Hi,

      Thank you for your interest in Daphne's Web. Although it is a work of fiction, a good deal of wisdom is imparted in the storyline.

      Enjoy XO

  2. Wow! The book took me on an unexpected, exciting ride. There is so much to digest. Think I will reread in the near future. I'm going to miss some of the characters I bonded with, lol.

    1. Hi,

      Thank you for reading the book. I appreciate that you enjoyed it. In time, I will entertain questions regarding the hidden messages.

