Sunday, June 16, 2019

Robin Red Breast Symbolism

Have you been seeing the robin red breast more often than usual? 

Pay Attention: They are a symbol of passion, honor, renewal and change. Their presence can lift our spirits.


  1. I read your book a few weeks ago. Loved it because it was full of surprises and
    really well written. Since I read it I'm noticing symbols all over the place. I feel
    like I have to start learning about symbolism but every culture has them. I don't
    know how to begin. Suggestions welcome. BR

  2. Hi,

    Thank you so much for reading the book. I'm overjoyed you recognized its symbolism. Awakening to more gets stronger with use. Intuition is lke an invisible muscle to be used often.

    You are right that various cultures view Nature a bit differently. It can be fun to compare the differences and allow what resonates the most to be what you need in the moment.

    In time, your intuition will guide you according to your sensitivity to color and sound. Learn to trust it.

