Sunday, January 19, 2020


A portion of the baby-blue sky on the horizon turned a deep indigo. The water surrounding the dock roiled, lapping against wooden pilings and splashing over the pier.

A rip in the Universe formed and a muted gray schooner sailed across, creating a sense of dread for the onlookers, even Amelia. It came forward rapidly—skimming the inky water’s surface and traveling through all the pleasure craft, fishing boats, and water skiers who had no awareness of its presence. The guests stood, horrified by the unfolding scene, as the sailboat headed straight toward the house.

So much Symbolism in this passage. Let's start with the element of water.  Any thoughts???


  1. Sorry did not read book yet but it has got my attention. Watre to me is like where life began. Does it symbolize something like that? The picture is mysterious so something is on the boat that is going to make itself known. Really creepy and cool.

    1. Hi,
      Thank you for your question. I apologize for my delay in answering.

      Your intuition is right on. The main character had a near death experience in the sea. From that point, her life took on a new perspective.

      The story uses the water element in many ways. The subtle intention is for readers to recognize their own rebirth.

      The story is creepy at times. Much of it is based upon the author's own reality living in a documented, haunted house.

