Saturday, December 29, 2012

Which Way Next?

Life can be very simple if we understand we can  travel in one direction at a time.  This applies not only to physical movement, but mental direction as well.

If you do not care for the way your life is going, choose again.  When you change yourself -- your family changes, the town, the nation, the world. 

Peace begins with you!

Happy New Year 2013

YouTube video:


  1. I just dont see life as simple.

    1. Hi,

      I hear you -- it does have its moments that tug and tear us apart.

      But...the good news is that when we choose to see it as simple, it does become simple. Our thoughts direct our life.

      Begin with choosing certain books to read that will teach you knowledge. (see the Ghost's Library)

      Listen to beautiful music that calms your soul.

      Speak only words of kindness, think thoughts of gratitude, do acts of goodness to others -- even to people you don't much care for.

      If you're willing to try those changes for just a week, I know life will appear more simple and loving for you.


    2. PS...June 15, 2012

      "The Ghost's Library"

      This post can get you started into the world of Power.


  2. Curious about what happens without mayan calender? Everyone made a big deal about ending.

    1. Hi,

      That's such a good question. The world resumed life as usual. The real question is which part of our mind invented all the predictions?

      A Course in Miracles tells us we have a split mind, part is asleep and dreaming, the ego mind. The other part has been awake all along and waiting on us to remember it, our Divine Mind.

      Our Divine Mind does not need to invent anything at all. The dramatic inventions of the ego mind are really seeking the Truth that our Divine Mind holds.

      Once the world awakens to the Divine Mind, a new world will exist.

      In some ways, the Mayans were correct. Consciouness is changing every day towards love and peace, allowing the old world of hate and pain to dissolve away.


  3. i try to follow and i cant figure why ego is bad if it does not harm anyone. doesnt it make us each different? how many people can reach divine mind?

    1. Hi,

      You are asking a profound question and depending upon the system of study, can be answered in many ways.

      In the field of psychology, the ego is considered a part of one's personality. We all know how varied "personality" can be, from loving people to others we can't stand in the same room with.

      In the study of A Course in Miracles, we learn the ego represents a part of our mind that is dreaming.

      Whether it's a good or bad dream doesn't matter. All that matters is Truth beyond those inventions of the ego mind, beyond personality.

      This blog is using the teachings of ACIM.

      From that frame of study, all people can reach Divine Mind once they realize it is their True Identity, beyond the ego's inventions.


  4. I would like to hear more about the book.

    1. Hi,

      One way or another, I have every confidence the book will be in print this year for you to read.

      It takes place in a rural town before personal computers and cell phones. When you enter the pages of Daphne's Web, you enter the sensibilites of another era we are forgetting all too quickly. Her "web" is paranormal!

