Saturday, January 5, 2013

Setting Things in Motion

Each person is made or unmade by him/herself. 

By right choice and true application of thought, one is able to rise to greatness.

Good thoughts NEVER produce bad outcomes. 

One's body and life are servants of mind.  At the command of well-being springs forth health and prosperity.

                                                       Know this and you have "visited my turret."


  1. r u talking about ur real turret?

    1. Hi,

      The "real turret" is actually quite a structure on the Victorian house which is why it was used in the book as the portal for students ready to advance into higher thought.

      This post is higher thought and if you understand and embrace it, theoretically, you have made a visit to my turret.


  2. I have ideas but no way to know if they are good enough for all the time and money that will be needed to pursue. My husband just sort of uh huhs me and my friends are too involved in their own life. Except for one who told me to go for it (business idea). How do I know I can trust myself?

    1. Hi,

      Ideas as such can be quite different from passion. We all dream of things every day -- inventions, businesses, etc.

      When passion is behind an idea, then one is willing to go the length of the field to put it into place. This is no easy task.

      Making a new idea work takes trememdous patience and constant regrouping. No super idea comes out the gate at first, it needs to be nurtured and developed every step of the way.

      If passion is behind your ideas, you don't necessarily need family and friends to support you, although it would be nice.

      Examine your ideas...are you passionate about them? If so, get going...others will come on board once they see a winner!


  3. How does the mind bring about wealth and prosperty...can I make my thoughts come true?

    1. Hi,

      Let me invite you into the previous 2012 posts on this blog along with the comments and answers.

      Written in many different ways, you will find the answer to your popular question.

