Saturday, February 2, 2013

A Silver Lining

Just when your life seems to be falling apart, the Universe steps in to put it all back together.

Stay out of its way and allow for change.

YouTube book video:


  1. can i get help to get out of debt? pleasse explain

    1. Hi,

      I can't speak to your specific situation since I don't know it but...

      The Universe responds according to your priorities.

      Find the true source of your debt. Did it come from overspending frivolously? If so, then you have money, but have not spent it on the right things. Learn to discipline yourself.

      However, sometimes debt comes at us from a crisis. Reach out to others for help. Never give up because the Universe will respond as though giving up was your desire.

      In both cases, a professional debt counselor is helpful. Some banks or agencies offer that service for free.

      Once you put things in order in your mind, new opportunities for the better will come your way.

      Be certain to explore each one. Do the work.


  2. How come some people are born rich and there life is good and dont have to work hard?

    1. Hi,

      You ask a question for many other people wondering the same thing.

      It is true that some babies are born to affluent parents and others are born into poverty.

      It is also true that as these children grow up, their lives can completely flip, showing us that our natal status does not have to determine the outcome of our future.

      The soul must learn lessons and polish off bits of karma. The soul knows ahead of conception just who would be the right parents to suit those needs.

      When we fight our station in life, we do nothing to rise above it. When we look for inherent blessings even in the most difficult of times, the river of life begins to flow through us and the situation changes.

      Truly I tell you, I speak from experience!

