Thursday, February 28, 2013

Invisible Realms

Using deductive reasoning -- in order for there to be Outer Space, there must also be Inner Space. 

We may think we've found all the possible sources of space but...there's always more. Look at the table in front of you. Better yet, imagine the wonderful table where my students gather to learn the mysteries of life. 

Space is being hidden within the atoms of our solid, physical world -- beautiful, untapped energy.  It's inside you, too!

YouTube book video:


  1. I keep trying but don't understand how my thinking taps into it.

    1. Hi,

      The words trying and thinking indicate you are not going into the quiet space that allows for another Voice to speak.

      That Voice cannot be heard over trying and thinking, two actions that the ego takes to purposely drown out the Voice.

      Begin with the following intellectual understanding: There is so much more than what our physical eyes and ears see and hear. It's in the vast, invisible space.

      Eventually, by way of genuine silence free from ego ploys, you will begin to experience the Voice. Your faith will grow. Your connection is made!


    2. Hi,

      The Voice of Spirit.

      It is not heard in the way we speak and hear each other as humans. It comes by way of signs, intuition, synchronicity during your day.

      Once we silence our ego fears and anger, we see and hear these things everywhere...finally, we can feel guided and safe.

