Monday, May 27, 2013

Empty Space

"Nothing exists except atoms and empty space; everything else is opinion."
- Democritus

OPINION-- a belief stronger than impression and less strong than knowledge.

In other words...something that doesn't really even exist, takes up a whole lot of space.



  1. i'm really confused ??????

    1. Hi,

      Space is the emptiness that holds all the potential for everything. It is still untouched by physical form, yet available to be influenced by human thought.

      The basic unit of physical matter, the atom, consists mostly of space. Therefore, everything we see and touch and think is solid mass...actually contains vast invisible space.

      If I haven't lost you yet, then think about how that relates to opinions.

      We anchor our thoughts by way of our opinions, our perspective of a given situation. It is as if we have made them solid. We solidify them further when we defend ourselves, argue over being right, even hurt others to support our opinions.

      However, the opinions are not real. They are not the Truth of the situation at all. The Truth lies in the untapped Universal Space which knows all things are One, simply appearing to be different.

      This is a blog on healing the mind and improving one's life. The physics and quantum physics are out of my league entirely, yet my occasional correlation to such is often a way for me to convey that we can choose different thoughts to gain a different life outcome.


    2. intense but i kind of understand. thank you.

    3. Hi,

      This is a vast topic which I have trouble understanding too. What I do know is this:

      If I think peaceful thoughts in spite of difficulties,a peaceful outcome is guaranteed.

      Peace to you...


  2. Do opinions come from the emptiness or our minds or what? Some times I wonder what makes some people think what they do because it seems so lame. IMHO :-)

    1. Hi,

      Unless we learn the correct way to perceive our situations, the ego will do it for us.

      The ego operates on its 5 senses...physical sight, physical hearing, physical touch, and physical smell. That's like having a CEO of a company hiring his own family members as department heads, everyone having the same agenda.

      The 5 senses will always support the ego, and offer upside down opinions or perceptions for every situation. Their job is to help the ego attack and judge others, induce fear rather than love, and keep us hostage from our Divinity.

      When other people fall for their own ego's faulty assignment, they do appear quite lame to us. Know only this:

      What is not operating as love is simply a "call" for love. If you respond to them accordingly, you are working with a Divine Plan to unite the brotherhood, instead of keeping it separate.

      And when you choose for love, you have influenced the "space" to bring forth love into your life.

      It's a simple concept but just try letting the ego go -- it would be like changing the direction of the company's CEO and department heads. can be done and MUST be done for the world to change.

