Friday, September 16, 2016

Fly Over

When trouble or challenge shows up, we can rise above the circumstances and "see" beyond them to a Higher Truth. 

That Truth is always a form of Love, including an urgent "call" for Love.   


  1. Some people are just so selfish and self serving you can't keep putting out love for them and have to give it up. Walking away not an option so am stuck.

    1. Hi,

      You are right -- people can be very selfish and living with them is not easy. I understand exactly what you mean. But...we can rearrange our world with thoughts.

      Difficult situations in life reveal great Truths to us. By taking an attitude of gratitude at all times, these Truths will be revealed.

      You might want to reread what you wrote. Your last three words are causing you not only pain, but continued pain. You are "mentally" stuck and have the power to change it.

      Begin today with a journal. Write down a few things you are grateful for -- even a new pair of shoes -- anything. Eventually, you will see a light in your circumstances that will liberate you from where you are now stuck.

      Many blessings...XO
