Friday, September 30, 2016

No Opposites

One thing can be its own opposite— depending upon our point of view.  

Are you  coming or going...starting or finishing?   Every opposite is simply a different degree of the same thing. When we realize that, we can stop judging. 


  1. HA! I always say I don't know if I am coming or going in my hectic life. Now I know it is true!

    1. Hi,

      Now you know you are exactly in the right place at any given moment. XO

  2. These days it seems like everything is judged and we will never be able to live and let live. Too much negativity IMHO

    1. Hi,

      Our only problem is that we view things from the ego's emotions. That instantly blocks us from the bigger and better picture.

      In other words, the world we see is the one we created and it can be changed immediately. XO
