Thursday, May 24, 2012

Going Through Walls

For the first thirteen years after I moved into that dreary, old Victorian, I was lonely and fretful. As hard as I tried, I could not make enough money to both support my children and restore my mansion to its original splendor.  The roof leaked, the sweeping porch was rotting. 

Each night after the girls were tucked into their beds, I would find a cozy nook to play my accordion.  Even my musical accomplishments hadn't improved.  With ease, I could breeze through the first few pages of a piece, but the minute there was a more difficult passage, I froze.  I had never really practiced going though those bars of notes that required more effort. Like always before, I gave up or went back to the beginning to play what I already knew quite well, creating a wider gap between both sections.

Then one night, my ghost appeared to me by coming through the wall.  I told him I wished I could do that, not through the walls of my house, but the walls in my mind that discouraged me from being successful.  He was tender and loving and when he was ready to leave me, he wrote one word on the very wall where he had appeared.  Persistence. 

The rest is history you can find in the book, once the manuscript is published.   


  1. Daphne
    My fiance thinks I am my own worst enemy and that I have a fear of success, as he calls it. I seem to be working all the time in my business (retail) but I keep hitting "walls" and I am afraid to take the next step with it. That would be to borrow money and expand. He sees it as a good idea (and so do I) but I don't know if good ideas are enough in this economy. Is the wall I am hitting in MY mind or is it me being practical? I want to "engage" the LOA in my favor. Any ideas for my situation?

  2. Hi,

    Fear is the block to the flow of abundance.

    If you fear the economy before you begin a project, you may manifest some difficult situations.

    After the Great Depression in the early 1900s, people lost everything and were terrified by the economic conditions. Someone invented a new game -- Monopoly.

    Have you heard of this game, decades later? The person took a fresh perspective and rose up from the dismal conditions of the times.

