Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day

In 1956, I had a terrible accident.  I nearly drowned in front of the family summer cottage.  From then on, my husband and I lived apart.   He resided in our original home while I moved into my haunted Victorian with our two children.

Is it wrong for me to hope he might pick up the phone on Mother's Day to wish me a happy day?  These are the moments that test me the most.  I teach my students to make peace with their circumstances, yet I have trouble doing it for myself.

But without fail, my ghost appears to me and shows me a greater purpose to my life.  I begin to feel more comfortable with those difficult things that are out of my control.   At times, they even shine as valuable lessons I must learn. 

However, I do wish he had called. 

Music for the soul...Gabriel's Oboe


  1. I agree...he should have called! But will you call him on Father's Day?

    1. Well, I can easily give you the high road answer since that day is not here yet. But, who knows?

      I'll keep you posted...

    2. Hi again,

      Father's day has come and gone.

      I took the high road.

