Friday, July 13, 2012

The Invisible is Stirring

Just imagine the maple seed thinking about the tree it will become, the forest of its future.  Can it know the shade, countless homes for animals, building material, paper, health and beauty aids it will provide?

Each thought you have is a seed.

Just imagine the future of this society if you sow thoughts of only peace and love.  Can you know a world that is not in war, people who do not fight, cheat, lie or steal?

To have peace and love, be peace and love.

                                                                                Crystal Blue Persuasion

YouTube video:


  1. OMG what are they?

  2. Hi,

    They are winged seeds from maple trees.

    "...the aerodynamic secret of the enchanting swirling seeds." (Caltech)

    The falling seeds create a vortex so they can be lifted by the wind and spread far and wide. (Profs. Lentink and Dickinson)


  3. Love is the answer but money pays the mortgage.

  4. Hi,

    There is no doubt that money is the exchange in the physical world.

    Thoughts are the exchange in the Invisible world.

    The secret to an abundant physical life filled with endless supply is to incorporate the Invisible world into it.

    Thoughts of kindness to all living things, patience with frustrating experiences, generosity of your time, talents, and treasures are all ways to ignite the Invisible world.

    Trust me, for I have seen...

