Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Charge Your Water!

This is astonishing but true...water has memory!

Every molecule records and stores information -- way more data than your computer holds.

Water is always going to have the composition of H2O but YOU can charge it, structure it according to your intentions.

Imagine the magnitude of change that can occur since water not only comprises the greatest percentage of your body, but also that of the earth. 

                                            Just think...it's staggering

YouTube book video: http://tinyurl.com/Daphnes-Web


  1. Replies
    1. Hi,

      If you are asking how to energize your water, it comes from intentional thought, prayer, sound such as meditative music, emotions.

      If you are asking the science behind this fascinating quality to water, I cannot even begin to explain such a Divine thing.


  2. what happens when you drink the water and how can you tell what it is doing?

    1. Hi,

      A specific sound, word, musical note, etc. carries a matching vibration. An argument would be a lower vibration than a beautiful concert.

      Good health and happiness are of a high vibration at the cellular level of the body.

      Water responds to vibration. The body is made up of mostly water. When you infuse your drinking water with a structured vibration, you are going to infuse your body's cells the same way.

      Check out "Messages From Water" by Dr. Emoto.

