Thursday, February 6, 2014

Your Palette

No color leaves room for every possibility to choose from.  

Are you a good decision maker?



  1. Its hard for me to feel good aboiut my decisions and I always need validation. I'm not even sure what my color is now that I think of it.

    1. Hi,
      Your need for validation tells me you do not trust. This isn't really a trust in yourself, but more a trust in something higher than you -- Spirit.

      Learn about the Promises from Spirit and the different ways to engage those Promises into your life. It IS a co-creation...we all have to act in order to engage Spirit's Promises.

      The trust you develop will never fail, your confidence will soar but it will be for the Source you have befriended that is now acting on your behalf.

      Keep your color neutral until you begin to discover how Spirit interacts with you. Then watch your palette brighten with amazing color!

