Friday, October 23, 2015

October's Fruition

October is a month of manifesting - make good use of it.

The veil between the Visible and Invisible worlds is very thin during this time.  We can access Internal Messages for success.


  1. What do we look for if veil is thinner?

    1. Hi,

      In one of my meditations, it was revealed to me that the only veil of Spirit is the body.

      The body and all its insatiable needs denies us the ability to be in touch with our Inner Power. It veils our True Essence.

      It is said that at this time of year, there is a greater opportunity to make that connection to Spirit, to subdue the veil, whatever it is, metaphorically or otherwise.

      In other words, this time of year opens portals into the more sublime aspects of Creation for all of us to take a peek. XOXO
