Monday, November 26, 2012

Beauty in Imperfection

Whether it's physical things including the body, or the  personalities of others, we find imperfection in everything.

All of it is a misperception coming from inside us, the inability to see our own Divine Perfection.

Say the following affirmation to release your thoughts of imperfection:

It is only my own thoughts that I see as imperfect.
It is only my own thoughts that are causing me this pain. 
Let me see  through my Divine Self instead. 


  1. My boyfriend is always very critical of me and comments on everything I wear and how I look. If he read this he would not even see himself so there is no hope for him to change.

    1. Hi,

      Hope is the essential ingredient for all change and exists even when we can't see it because "change" is a universal constant -- everything MUST change!

      When you allow yourself to feel hope for him, you are changing yourself. Do you want to know why???

      It's because YOU made the first move, rather than waiting on him to do something different.

      The hope you are now seeing in him, is the hope you are learning to have for yourself!

      You are seeing how beautiful you are no matter what you're wearing or how you styled your hair.

      The hope that's needed is not really for the boyfriend at all, it's for you!

      When your vibration changes to a more loving acceptance of yourself, a new boyfriend will appear to match that vibration OR -- your current boyfriend will change along with you.

      Either way, you will have found love and it came from within yourself.

