Saturday, November 17, 2012


"The great blue heron is considered the king of the marsh.  It is the shortest of the herons and when it flies, its head is folded back in a flat S-shaped loop. This reflects the innate wisdom of being able to maneuver through life and control its life circumstances." Animal-Speak, Ted Andrews

The message is clear...are you opportunity minded, self reliant, determined to chart your own life or  is life controlling you?


  1. I have too many needy people in my life. THEY control me. What can I do?
    That includes my parents and kids, husband and sister in law. That peaceful bird has it good ha ha.

    1. Hi,

      The log that bird sits on is usually filled with turtles. When the bird is around, the rest of the pond life abides in his authority which is gentle, yet commanding.

      Remember, he is the one with the wisdom!

      No one should be a doormat for others to wipe their feet. If people do not appreciate your kindness and generosity, then it might be time to reevaluate those relationships.

      The highest degree of love is mutual for all.

      If you can remember that much, you will know when to draw the line and take care of yourself.


  2. what do u do when alot of stuff comes at u at 1 time?

    1. Hi,

      Well, you might want to take in a deep breath and then put your priorities in order. Which of your situations is most important for you to find a peaceful solution?

      Once you change the first order of activity, the rest will begin to unfold nicely.

      Keep your thoughts focused in only one direction, one goal. You will find that the other "stuff" is more of the same and eventually, it will disappear before your eyes.

      Let me know if you feel more in control of your life.


  3. Replies
    1. Hi,

      The first question I ask is this: Do you really desire change?

      When we want something badly enough we make it happen, like a child who insists on getting a specific toy.

      Take yourself back to those times where you got exactly what you wanted and remember how persistent you had to be.

      It takes time for change to root itself into our life.

      Know this: It is not about changing the others and only about changing ourselves -- being the change you wish to see in them.

      Keep on pressing on.

