Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Flying Solo

Are we ever flying solo?

"If you knew Who walks beside you on the way that you have chosen, fear would be impossible." 

A Course in Miracles T18, III 3:2

YouTube video:


  1. how can we find out who???

    1. Hi,

      The Who is Spirit.

      Simply ask for an introduction and one will be given.


  2. I can't tell anyone is walking with me :-(

    1. Hi,

      The minute we become introspective, we will know Spirit is walking with us.

      Being introspective is the opposite of how we live our lives. It requires us to look past the harsh world of fears. But to see "past" means we must go IN.

      To be introspective is to be still at all times and allow for the peace that passeth all understanding to move through us.

      When you shift your attention inwardly, even for only 1 minute, you will meet the Spirit.


  3. how can I find out who my guides are? i keep asking but---

    1. Hi,

      "The important thing is to not stop questioning." Einstein

      "Self conquest is the greatest of all victories." Plato

      You are on the right track. First learn the key to relaxation. It is in the breath. Our minds can follow only one thought at a time and if you are thinking of inhaling and exhaling, the body will begin to relax. Yoga is quite helpful.

      Then learn to listen, not with your physical ears but an "inner" listening. What you will hear is from your guides.

      Mostly, release the need to know exactly "who" your guides are. Let it be enough that we are all surrounded by many guides from the higher realms, the highest being the Holy Spirit.

      If a particular guide wants to be known in name, your inner listening will eventually give you enough clues that it can be figured out.

      Walk in love and patience, rather than being on a restless quest.

