Sunday, January 27, 2013

Under the Sun

"I will be the gladdest thing under the sun!  I will touch a hundred flowers and not pick one."
Edna St. Vincent Millay

This makes me think of positive, loving people bringing everyone else up with their optimism and generous ways...but asking nothing of others. 

Some call that "random acts of kindness."

It is what fuels the LOA into higher operation, returning the goodness multiplied. 

                                               Has something like this ever happened for you?

 Good Morning Sunshine


  1. I was in college and broke. Passed a homeless man and am not proud that I struggled to give him the last $5 I had. He looked hungrier than me. An hour later I ran for a bus and before I got in, I found a $10 bill laying in the street. No one else saw it. Awesome awesome awesome.

    1. Hi,

      Ditto: Awesome, awesome, awesome!

      Intuitively, you knew you you could never be broke. Being low on cash is very different.

      You gave from your heart against the ego's advice that you ignore the man. The universe responded because you had no attachment to your offering.

      The gift became all yours.

      The advice to everyone is this: Listen to your heart.

      Do we ever stop to realize some of our country's homeless are actually educated, decorated, men and women who have served as teachers, soldiers, nurses, etc. and fall down somewhere along their journey?

      Your random act of kindness will motivate many others to do as you did and lift another up. In many cases, one act of generosity can make all the difference in another person's life.

      Thank you for sharing.


  2. "Be a cheerful giver." I like that message in the Good Morning Sunshine video.

    1. Hi,

      Thank you for looking at the other offerings on this blog. Each one is carefully joined to the post for the deeper insights from other people and their work.

      We are all one.


  3. im just not that nice. i try.

    1. Hi,

      Somewhere in the deeper part of your mind is an incorrect message about yourself, probably given by someone else. It may taint your self-image.

      However, from your words I know you are quite kind and seeking the transformation of that ancient message.

      Let it be this minute!!!

      Stand in the light of the sun and know you are the center of your own universe. Build it with love and forgiveness and go in peace doing wonderful things not only for yourself, but for others as well.

      Then watch your Spirit within grow to amazing proportions. I think then you will see what I see, kindness beyond measure.

