Friday, March 31, 2017

Clay Beneath Our Feet

There is a saying: Use the "clay beneath our feet” to mold what we want or need out of life. 

Everything necessary is already before us to make things happen. Viewing circumstances with enthusiasm and new perspectives brings about success.  

I saw a chess game ready to go at the beach the other day!


  1. I read and hear inspirational ideas that make it seem like success is easy if you do this or that. I must be doing it wrong because everything is hard and complictaed all the time. What should I be looking at?

    1. oh and I forgot to ask when to give up on something??

    2. Hi,

      You represent the voice for many, so I appreciate your question.

      Our way of thinking becomes our way of life. It IS hard for humans to change the direction of negative thinking to positive thinking. The concept, however, is NOT complicated.

      I might suggest you begin to journal, describing your day exactly the way you perceive it. Then use a red pen to circle every idea, thought, and word that is not positive.

      Rewrite your entry, even using "fantasy" to make the same circumstances more desirable.

      If you stick to this practice for a month or more, you will notice something powerful. YOU can change your life simply by changing your thoughts.

      Life is much less about giving up people and things, as it is about giving up negative thinking. Find a method that works for you where you can be the witness of your own thoughts and learn to give THEM up. XO
